Wednesday, January 16, 2008

House Update Jan 16th

First off, I have no pics to show you today, but use your imagination.

The last blog was when we started laying the hardwood floor on Monday the 7th and finished the dinning room. On Tuesday Ron, Brian and Brian and I extended the hardwood into the kitchen and family room. On Wednesday Brian D and I finished the kitchen and family room. On Thursday Brian W, Blair, Steve and I finished the front room and started the hallways. On Friday Krista and I finished the hallway leading to the master bedroom (fitting that Krista and I did that together). On Saturday Steve, Dave, Brian D and I finished the rest of the hallways and front bedroom to complete the laying of the hardwood. My best guess would be a total of 88 man hours went into that flooring, all of which was after hours or weekend time.
Special thanks to all those who helped on that project, and the wives & girlfriends that let them help (Marcy, Sarah, Karen, Beth, Tina and Avery).

Also going on on Saturday, Brian W hung our last door leading from the garage to the house and my dad and mom started our finished electrical. (If you need outlet and switch plates hung, my mom is pro at it.)

Sunday we rested!

Monday brother Brian and I hung our siding on the front of the house, while my dad kept moving on the electrical.

Last night was base board night. Justin, Brian, Brian and I blew through 98% of the baseboards. We would have finished but I under estimated by one stick. Mean while, but dad kept rolling with the electrical and Matt Ely came by and hung all of our registers HVAC.

Today between 1&4 we will have our counter tops installed and tonight we will install some closet doors and door knobs.

I'll post some pics as soon as I can.

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